October 11, 2022

SONG REVIEW 🎵📝 Project Isolar - Embrace me

radioairplay.com independent new music

Project Isolar - Embrace me
Alternative/Alt. Rock, Electronica, Classical
Hoganas, Sweden

Overall Impression: Project Isolar bares their soul with the release of the new tune Embrace Me. Opening with solemn, heartfelt piano, Embrace Me instantly casts an intimate and raw atmosphere. This new Alternative Rock tune is not scared of being vulnerable, and uses elements of Euro Pop and Rock to make its statement known. After the piano runs its course, an electrified drum groove kicks in to bring in the next verse. By this point, the vocals have already made a strong impression on the listener. Powerfully bright and nasal, they soar high above the groove and give the song a unique sound that sticks in the listener's mind. They loudly open their arms and create a warm, welcoming environment. This builds very nicely from the initial piano opening, and gives a strong sense of growth to the tune. Overall, Embrace Me by Project Insolar is the musical hug needed by all listeners, and is enjoyable from beginning to end.

Strongest Point(s): The arrangement and production value in Embrace Me really stand out. The tune builds up from a very intimate starting point, and ends up soaring well above the horizon. The music grows and adds layers of color and intensity to keep the tune very intriguing. The production level is also very nice. Nothing sounds out of place, edgy, or too raw in the mix. The delays and other effects used in the vocals are also made very tastefully. Nicely done!

Target Audience Appeal: Fans of Euro Pop and Alternative Rock should listen to Project Insolar's new tune Embrace Me.

Artist target suggestions: Russelution, Styx, Dress To Kill, Gary Numan, New Order, Joy Division, Ultravox, Depeche Mode, Eurythmics, Thom Yorke, Radiohead, Muse, Brian Eno, Phill Collins, Biosphere

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About the Reviewer:
Zachary Larson is a professional guitarist in New York City. Getting his start in high school rock bands, he has since toured the world as a classical chamber musician, onboard cruise lines, and with several Broadway musicals. His recorded work spans across Classical, Pop, and Experimental music. His arrangements are published through Clear Note Publications. Classically trained, he holds a Master of Music degree from the University of Denver.