December 7, 2021

SONG REVIEW 🎵📝 Hair of the Dawg - I Come Here to Drink independent new music

Hair of the Dawg - I Come Here to Drink
Country, Americana, Rock
California, United States

Overall Impression: Hair of the Dawg offers up a positively upbeat and wonderfully playful country tune that combines fun lyrics with assured performances, and in a time of such uncertainty and unbound seriousness, "I Come Here to Drink" is exactly the type of light-hearted track that's needed. It's great to hear a band simply having some fun whilst writing and performing, and "I Come Here to Drink" has a certain energy that makes you want to either rock along to the music or pick up the nearest instrument and join in on the jam, and any band that can rouse those feelings is certainly doing something right.

Strongest Point(s): Not many lyrics can genuinely make me both smile and laugh, and there's something extremely honest and down to earth about "I Come Here To Drink" that is a breath of fresh air amongst the sea of overly self-serious songwriting that populates the modern music landscape. Hair of the Dawg happily lean into their classic country roots and are having a whale of a time whilst doing it. Along with the brilliantly playful lyrics, the performances are great and capture the spirit of the country genre perfectly. The brisk pace of the track ensures energy levels are kept continually high and it works extremely well for this style of track, lending itself well to the animated nature of the lyrics and lead vocal performance. In terms of the arrangement, it was a smart move to keep sections shorter, this helps retain those high energy levels and keeps things moving swiftly, but it's also great to see that despite the short runtime, enough variation has been achieved by incorporating fresh ideas along the way, as an example the short lead guitar flourishes nicely break up the track as well as the brilliant bass interlude that begins at 1:51. This track is a great shot of country and I certainly had a fun time with it. I believe "I Come Here to Drink" accomplishes exactly what it set out to do, present its listeners with a fun country tune that aims to raise a smile, and it's done just that.

Target Audience Appeal: This is definitely a tune for lovers of the country genre.

Artist target suggestions: Brad Paisley, George Strait, Alan Jackson, The Highwaymen, Toby Keith, Waylon Jennings, Buck Owens, George Jones, Mark Chesnutt, Clint Back, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard

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About the Reviewer:
Andre Avanessian is a freelance session musician, composer, and sound engineer based in the U.K. Having studied music production and composition at a degree level, he has taken his passion for all things audio-related to a level that has allowed him to become both a competent musician and performer. Being a self-confessed "Guitar Nerd" Andre has been continually studying the guitar, as well as teaching it, helping students both learn the instrument, develop their songwriting, and how to become proficient in home recording.