June 25, 2021

SONG REVIEW 🎵📝 Acheface - Afterbooster

radioairplay.com independent new music

Acheface - Afterbooster
Dance/Electronica, Industrial, Techno
Enschede, Netherlands

Overall Impression: Summoning a dastardly low-end wobble with vicious and viscerally satisfying variations, Acheface drops the all-original Industrial Electronica track, "Afterbooster"! Brutal bass tones find balance beneath intense and fleeting melodic lines as "Afterbooster" screams along - deftly ushering listeners through a soundscape shaped from both happenstance and design as Acheface explores a world of heavy, Modular Synth-driven Electronica.

Strongest Point(s): Excellent sounds! The integrity of tone in "Afterbooster" indicates Acheface as an experienced and intentional artist, and the fullness of the track's soundscape confirms it! Great, heavy bass feel keeps the experience rooted in intensity and a cleverly oriented structure allows the track to take on several small and exciting arcs before it resolves. Incorporating some old-school video game sound effects at moments like 0:52 brings just a dash of levity to the soundscape and keeps listeners on their toes nicely. Incredible lead tone at 1:57 as well! All of this is tied off brilliantly by a strong sense of continuity, both in terms of composition and character - very presently representing the energies of the artist that built it.

Target Audience Appeal: Fans of hard-hitting Electronica in any form will find much to love in "Afterbooster", with the specific method of performance promising to catch the attentions of any who enjoy the realm of modular synthesizers and spontaneous creativity! An experience too clever to feel as though it was born in a single take, "Afterbooster" inspires eager ears toward whatever Acheface releases next!

Artist target suggestions: Code Elektro, Scandroid, Carpenter Brut, Violetshaped, British Murder Boys, Clouds, Container, Paula Temple, Samuel Kerridge, Ninos Du Brasil, Tzusing, Varien, Perturbator, Magic Sword, Gost

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About the Reviewer:
Jon Wright is a classically trained multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, and music educator with nearly twenty years of experience in the field. Working with musicians and their individual sounds is his passion and profession, and he strives to interact with and understand every aspect of the production process - from theory and songwriting to recording and mastering. He continues to teach students of all ages and is currently collaborating with artists in a wide variety of genres.