February 20, 2024

SONG REVIEW 🎵📝 James Haro In Storage - Verses

radioairplay.com independent new music

James Haro In Storage - Verses
Rock, Indie
Pennsylvania, U.S.

Overall Impression: "Verses" is an exciting new release from Philadelphia-based James Haro In Storage. This uptempo indie rocker features a dynamic arrangement and a robust, energizing sound provided by chugging guitars, bright synths and powerful drums. "My lungs drag on concrete" exclaims Haro with an angsty post-punk delivery, as he explores complex themes that revolve around living a capricious life and the struggle to find one's purpose and place. Passionate vocals, intelligent lyrics and an incredibly vivacious sound make "Verses" from James Haro In Storage an easy recommendation for indie pop/rock and alternative singer/songwriter fans. Be sure to check it out, available now as a single on all major music platforms.

Strongest Point(s): Outstanding production, excellent mix. Fantastic energy and spirit. Brilliant song structure, nice variety and diversity to the arrangement. Great intro; organ sounds beautiful underneath the acoustic, and I love how you used those acoustic sections as dynamic pauses throughout. Drums and bass sound great together, nice driving rhythms. Nice saturated distorted guitar tone. Brass (synth?) sounds amazing; great melodic hook there, and a really nicely written part in the bridge. Stellar vocal performance, wonderful pop/punk style that shows good range. Backing vocals sound incredible, great harmony stacks as well as the call and response group vox at the end. Exceptional lyrical content; wonderful thematic material and a terrific use of prose throughout, there's some simply stunning lines in there. All in all this a remarkable bit of song craft, and a tremendous track that should have no problems at all finding an audience in the indie crowd. I'd recommend continuing to work with the same producer, together you managed to achieve a truly compelling and contemporary sound. Awesome work, from top to bottom!

Target Audience Appeal: Fans of Pop/Rock, Alternative Pop/Rock, Indie Rock, Alternative Singer/Songwriter, Power Pop, Post-Punk

Artist target suggestions: Bleachers, The 1975, Ben Kweller, The Shins, Ben Lee, Rilo Kiley, Guster, Nada Surf, Death Cab for Cutie, Brendan Benson, Bright Eyes, Silversun Pickups, The Postal Service, Of Montreal, The Format

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About the Reviewer:
Steven Azami is a multi-instrumentalist with over 25 years of experience in the music industry. Both as a touring/session player and as a producer, his career has spanned nearly every genre from bluegrass to jazz, from rock to reggae. In addition, his work as a music educator has allowed him to cultivate and foster talent among the next generation of musical explorers.