August 3, 2022

SONG REVIEW 🎵📝 Raging Embers - Basket Case independent new music

Raging Embers - Basket Case
Classical, Rock, Contemporary Classical,
New York, United States

Overall Impression: Having previously reviewed and very much enjoyed Raging Ember's fantastic cover of Fleetwood Mac's "Big Love", I excitedly dived into this cover of the classic Green Day tune "Basket Case" with both high expectations and gleeful intrigue to what magic Raging Embers might have managed to conjure up this time, and I can safely say that those expectations have been resoundingly met! Raging Embers whisks up yet another wonderfully arranged and performed orchestral piece that successfully shines a new creative perspective on the original source material whilst still managing to retain its essential characteristics, resulting in a beautifully composed masterclass in orchestral writing that is breathtakingly refined, wholly inspired, and exquisitely recorded and mixed.

Strongest Point(s): As to be expected from a Raging Embers piece, the level of musical accomplishment on display is stellar, both the stunning performances and deft arrangement help make this an utterly compelling listening experience from start to finish and provide ample variety for listeners to sink their teeth into. I particularly find the way in which the track's more free-flowing legato-based sections are contrasted brilliantly with the rhythmically driving staccato string moments, this juxtaposition helps give the piece its sense of movement and vigor, as well as character. Knowing how tricky it can be to successfully program and arrange virtual instruments in order for them to sound as genuinely realistic as possible, Raging Embers is clearly a dab hand at this and the balance between the track's live instruments and virtual elements is superb, so much so that you'd be hard-pressed to find any example in which this cover doesn't sound 100% live, not an easy feat by any means.

Target Audience Appeal: This will undoubtedly strike a chord with classical lovers.

Artist target suggestions: Apocalyptica, 2Cellos, Green Day, Antonio Vivaldi, Johann Johannsson, The Cinematic Orchestra, Lindsey Sterling, Deviations Project, Hanz Zimmer, Simply Three, Escala, Jesper Kyd, John Paesono

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About the Reviewer:
Andre Avanessian is a freelance session musician, composer, and sound engineer based in the U.K. Having studied music production and composition at a degree level, he has taken his passion for all things audio-related to a level that has allowed him to become both a competent musician and performer. Being a self-confessed "Guitar Nerd" Andre has been continually studying the guitar, as well as teaching it, helping students both learn the instrument, develop their songwriting, and how to become proficient in home recording.