July 22, 2022

SONG REVIEW 🎵📝 Casiocenz - I Don't Care Anymore

radioairplay.com independent new music

Casiocenz - I Don't Care Anymore
Alternative/Alt. Rock, Indi Rock, New Wave
California, United States

Overall Impression: Echoing the heydays of classic Indie rock and offering its listeners an easily accessible and undoubtedly catchy piece of songwriting that they're likely to be humming for quite some time to come, Casiocenz serves up an eclectic mix of riff rich guitar work, invigorating rhythms, and exhilarating vocal performances in their absolute banger of a track, "I Don't Care Anymore". The band manages to strike a great balance between their more restrained side and excitingly strident characteristics, allowing "I Don't Care Anymore" to adopt a feeling of constant movement and vigor in its arrangement that offers listeners plenty to feast upon.

Strongest Point(s): The sheer attention to detail that's been put into the arrangement is superb. It's evident that Casiocenz has spent considerable time ensuring "I Don't Care Anymore" is a track that couldn't possibly flow any better than it already does. The way the track's many creative ideas have been both arranged and layered really helps keep listeners firmly transfixed on the music from start to finish. The way in which each and every element of the track is tastefully reacting with one another gives the song a great sense of dynamism, for example, the way the percussive elements subtly alter to hint at an upcoming transition or new music idea, or the clever idea of momentarily stripping back the instrumentation to highlight key moments in both the vocals and lyrics, there's plenty of exciting interaction going on between the performances that really help the track feel vividly alive.

Target Audience Appeal: "I Don't Care Anymore" is a strong indie rocker and I can certainly see this appealing to the fans of the genre.

Artist target suggestions: The Smiths, Kaiser Chiefs, The Enemy, Artic Monkeys, Beady Eye, The Twang, Joy Division, Eternal Summers, Veronica Falls, Crystal Stilts, Young Prisms

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About the Reviewer:
Andre Avanessian is a freelance session musician, composer, and sound engineer based in the U.K. Having studied music production and composition at a degree level, he has taken his passion for all things audio-related to a level that has allowed him to become both a competent musician and performer. Being a self-confessed "Guitar Nerd" Andre has been continually studying the guitar, as well as teaching it, helping students both learn the instrument, develop their songwriting, and how to become proficient in home recording.