December 20, 2021

SONG REVIEW 🎵📝 Industria Sinister - Second Self independent new music

Industria Sinister - Second Self
Alternative/Alt. Rock, Instrumental, Post Punk
Geneva, Switzerland

Overall Impression: Expressing a dark metamorphosis through sparse and striking electronic instrumentals and scathing vocal tones, Industria Sinister presents the original track, "Second Self" - lyrically describing personal transformation into a non-feeling appendage of the void with ominous energies and an unsettling artistic intensity!

Strongest Point(s): The instrumental foundations of "Second Self" begin as a powerful combination of frantic synth against aggressively plucked piano, bouncing back and forth with a deliberate, ominous gait that sets a chilling tone for the rest of the experience. As Industria Sinister's vocals enter the scene, they carry a jaggedness about them that not only suit the instrumentals, but bring listener attentions to a visceral focal point before powerful percussion joins the fray. The overall effect is darkly driving and surprisingly spacious - well-mirroring the abyssal imagery at work in the lyrics of "Second Self" and drawing listeners ever deeper into the void alongside the song's central character. Summarizing the inspiration for this venture in a moment, the lyric that lands hardest and keeps coming around again says it all - "I just can't get my feelings back."

Target Audience Appeal: Listeners with an appreciation for stylistically dark lyrics against emotionally bleak Post-Industrial soundscapes will find much to appreciate in the sound that Industria Sinister is producing - with the specific contents of "Second Self" promising to resonate among those who can relate to the sensation of assimilation into the sprawling emptiness of the void. - Jon W.

Artist target suggestions: Raime, Sombre Lux, Azure Skies, Ital Tek, Jarboe, Oake, The Body, Belief Defect, Scorn, NOLIFE, Prurient, PRVNTK, Ben Frost, Lana Del Rabies, Shapednoise, Kerridge, Broken English Club, NAKED, Drew McDowall, Osheyack, D.Å.R.F.D.H.S., NUNDALE, Pessimist, Trepaneringsritualen, Immortalist, Servovalve, Pedestrian Deposit

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About the Reviewer:
Jon Wright is a trained multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, and music educator with nearly twenty years of experience in the field. Working with musicians and their individual sounds is his passion and profession, and he strives to interact with and understand every aspect of the production process - from theory and songwriting to recording and mastering. He continues to teach students of all ages and is currently collaborating with artists across a wide range of genres.