September 10, 2021

SONG REVIEW 🎵📝 TUNNL19 - Encerrado (Contigo) independent new music

TUNNL19 - Encerrado (Contigo)
Alternative/Alt. Rock, Grunge, Rock En Español
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Overall Impression: Managing to effortlessly strike a perfect balance between its eclectic mix of styles, "Encerrado (Contigo)" is the brilliant new track by TUNNL19, fusing elements of funk, rock, neo-soul, and even fusion in places, this is one killer piece of songwriting that delivers on a number of levels, whether that be melodically, rhythmically, or thematically. It's clear that TUNNL19 has really put the work into the crafting of this track, and it pays dividends, it has a great amount of energy and a fantastic sense of style that demands your attention.

Strongest Point(s): The way in which different styles have been seamlessly weaved together is brilliant and certainly one of the highlights of the track. Opening with a very neo-soul-inspired chord sequence, the song quickly lays down an elegant and deeply strong harmonic foundation which is subsequently built upon further by the tracks many inspired elements, the addition of catchy funk-laden guitar, and subtle hints of alt. rock as the track progresses help create a fantastically varied listening experience that is highly engrossing from start to finish. The performances are strong across the board and this is undoubtedly indicative of how well-rehearsed and how well-disciplined the group is, there is a definite sense of maturity in the performance that demonstrates a high level of experience from each individual performer. Both melodically and rhythmically, there is a great amount of variation throughout, the doubling of the melody at 1:05 is excellent, having both the lead vocals and lead guitar play the melodic motif in unison is a great way to strengthen its impact on the listener and adds a great amount of flair to the melody, it's little touches like this that help make "Encerrado (Contigo)" an extremely worthwhile listening experience.

Target Audience Appeal: There is a great mix of genres on display in "Encerrado (Contigo)", and this is what gives the song its wide appeal, whilst this is closely aligned with the funk and alt. rock genres, there really is something here for everyone to enjoy, it has that high-energy groove to it that is both terrifically catchy and strikingly danceable.

Artist target suggestions: 311, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Incubus, Blind Melon, Rage Against The Machine, The White Stripes, Tonic, Dishwalla, The Verve Pipe, Daft Punk, The Horizon Problem, Temple Of The Dog, Candlebox

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About the Reviewer:
Andre Avanessian is a freelance session musician, composer, and sound engineer based in the U.K. Having studied music production and composition at a degree level, he has taken his passion for all things audio-related to a level that has allowed him to become both a competent musician and performer. Being a self-confessed "Guitar Nerd" Andre has been continually studying the guitar, as well as teaching it, helping students both learn the instrument, develop their songwriting, and how to become proficient in home recording.