September 13, 2021

SONG REVIEW 🎵📝 Peter Rappoli - Slow Glide independent new music

Peter Rappoli - Slow Glide
Massachusetts, United States

Overall Impression: "Slow Glide" is an interesting collection of ideas that is both adventurous and lyrically captivating. Peter Rappoli has a unique sound that is expressed with both conviction and an undeniable sense of heart and that's not easy to come by nowadays.

Strongest Point(s): There certainly are some good ideas here, the lyrics are well written, containing both depth and meaning, and are expressed by a smartly understated vocal performance that fits the style of the song well. I particularly like the slightly quirky chromatic movement in the harmony, the chromatic passing tone played by the guitars and bass, first heard at 0:05, creates a somewhat off-kilter feeling that actually works quite well.

Target Audience Appeal: This will certainly appeal to fans of alternative rock as well as singer-songwriter audiences, and these would be the main areas to aim for.

Artist target suggestions: Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Lou Reed & The Velvet Underground, Iggy Pop, Nico, Jonathan Richman, Love, The Fall, Warren Zevon, Nick Cave, Grinderman, The Birthday Party, Johnny Cash, Tom Waits, Morphine, Swans, Rowland S.Howard

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About the Reviewer:
Andre Avanessian is a freelance session musician, composer, and sound engineer based in the U.K. Having studied music production and composition at degree level, he has taken his passion for all things audio-related to a level that has allowed him to become both a competent musician and performer. Being a self-confessed "Guitar Nerd" Andre has been continually studying the guitar, as well as teaching it, helping students both learn the instrument, develop their songwriting, and how to become proficient in home recording.