June 26, 2021

SONG REVIEW 🎵📝 The Egrets - The Girl With The Thousand-Watt Smile

radioairplay.com independent new music

The Egrets - The Girl With The Thousand-Watt Smile
Rock, Americana, Country
California, United States

Overall Impression: Undeniably catchy, full to the brim with melody, and performed exceptionally well, "The Girl with the Thousand Watt Smile" is nothing short of a rollicking good time! The Egrets have put together an incredibly strong tune that is both full of infectious energy and delightfully melodious concepts, excellent!

Strongest Point(s): Let's start with the excellent performances, the vocals show great range and control and fit the style of the track perfectly, they are strengthened by equally stellar backing vocals that add a number of diverse and interesting tonal layers to the lead. The vocals are backed by a strong backing consisting of electric/acoustic guitar, bass, and drums, and if I'm not mistaken, a Hammond organ in places, which combine to not only create a rich and equally varied backdrop for the vocals to flow over but also great diversity in timbre that helps keep the listener continually invested in the music. There is an excellent blend of genres here, borrowing elements from country, rock, alt-rock, and even prog (The prog-like interlude at 1:42 is excellent) The overall production is solid, all elements of the track are crystal clear in the mix and the individual characteristics of each performance have been carefully retained, I like the "live" feeling of the track, it feels very much as if it's been captured during a gig which adds this great sense of energy to the track.

Target Audience Appeal: This would definitely appeal to the rock crowd, but also country and alt-rock, there are elements of all these genres within the track so it's certainly worth targeting these styles also.

Artist target suggestions: The J. Geils Band, Bachman Turner Overdrive, Steve Miller Band, The Doobie Brothers, Peter Frampton, Tom Petty, and the Heartbreakers, Eagles, Neil Young, The Edgar Winter Group

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About the Reviewer:
Andre is a freelance session musician, composer, and sound engineer based in the U.K. Having studied music production and composition at a degree level, he has taken his passion for all things audio-related and strives to become a competent musician and performer. Being a self-confessed "Guitar Nerd" Andre has been continually studying the guitar, as well as teaching it, helping students both learn the instrument, develop their songwriting, and how to become proficient in home recording.