1.Can you describe your sound in one ramble-on sentence?
It would have to be a pop, folk, soft rock, singer-songwriter sound, mainly feel good, inspiring music similar to a mix of Artists such as The Script, Matchbox Twenty, Coldplay, Mumford & Sons and Ed Sheeran.
2. What's your earliest music-related memory growing up?
My earliest music-related memory would have to be when I was in pre-school dancing on the couch, doing the moves to Grease Lightning haha
3. If you were to cover another band/artist's album, which would you pick and why?
Ooo, this one’s a tough one! But probably The Maine’s ‘Can’t Stop Won’t Stop’ , I grew up listening to them and there’s not one song on it I don’t like.
4. Do you write/compose your own songs? Briefly describe your songwriting process.
Yeah I write all my own songs, I don’t really have a process when they come, they come. But a lot of the time I’ll find a pattern I like on the guitar and I’ll mumble along to it and find that one hook line that sticks, then will build a song around it.
5. Does anything in particular inspire you to write? What get's your creative juices flowing?
Just life, and moments in life also a great feel good film and other music.
6. What has been a highlight for you in the past year? (Either personally or for your music career.)
A few songs starting to get picked up has been one of the big ones, starting to get the feeling as a stayer in the music industry.
7. What's next? Can you give us a hint for what's to come for remainder of 2019?
New music, new shows and potentially a multi-continental tour on the cards.
8. What do you like more: Performing live or recording in the studio?
I do LOVE both! But there’s no greater feeling in the world than performing on stage!
9. What are some artists/bands that you're into at the moment? Or any particular song you find yourself listening to over and over?
Ash Gale’s ‘Sing My Way’ has been on repeat lately. I’ve been recording with him down in Adelaide a bit recently and it’s definitely an anthem to get you pumped for the long drive haha.
10. Any embarrassing on stage moments you'd like to share? C’mon, don’t be shy.
I’m actually disappointed I haven’t had too many embarrassing moments so far! But I recently played a festival and someone yelled out ‘your fly is undone’ and It was, but wasn’t to embarrassed as it does come undone a lot on the skinny jeans haha
11. What do you enjoy doing outside of music? Does your hobby rejuvenate your creativity?
Lately I haven’t been doing too much outside of music, but I do love to watch movies, I get great inspiration from good films.
12. What's one thing people should know about you?
I never thought I’d end up being a Musical Artist, I sort of just fell into it and the passion grew. I actually have a degree in Mechatronics Engineering which is what I set off to do after school.
13. If you had one message to give to your fans, what would it be?
THANK YOU!!! This industry is actually the hardest to crack in the world, it means so much to me every like, share, comment, stream, purchase, attendance, clap, high-five, fist bump, everything which helps me on my way. You guys are why I’m here! Thank you so so much!
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