October 9, 2012

Airplay & FanDistro Popscore Contest Winners

Kew Rowe Cover, Mariah Ver Hoef Profile picture
Next up in the Jango & FanDistro Popscore contest we have two brand new winners:

Kev Rowe & Mariah Ver Hoef

They will both receive 1,000 free Play Credits for making it into the Airplay Top 10. In addition, they will get a free FanDistro account for one year to host contests and get fans involved in their music.

Kev Rowe was the highest scoring band last week and Mariah Ver Hoef the second. FanDistro will sponsor Kev Rowe with an iPad & 
Mariah Ver Hoef with a Kindle Fire to give away to fans who share their music. A big congratulations to the winners, and thank you all for joining the contest and being part of Jango Airplay.

Two more winners will be announced next Monday. For more information on how to join the contest and compete for a chance to win a FanDistro account with sponsored products to give away to fans, click here.