Don't forget to include your Facebook URL in your Jango Dashboard.
We've been working hard here at Jango HQ to create a more seamless integration between Jango Airplay and your Facebook profile so you can convert more of your new Jango fans into Facebook fans as well. The first step in this process has been to add a Facebook 'Like' button into the Jango music player on the bottom of your profile picture but we'll also be making improvements to the overlay that is showed when your music is played. You may also have noticed that your profile page on Jango now has a facebook-like button on top of the page.
All you have to do to link the like button to your Facebook profile is to make sure you add your Facebook URL into the space provided in the 'Band Info' tab of your Airplay dashboard. The vast majority of you have already included your Facebook links in the Jango Dash but now is a good time to make sure.
We hope you find these improvements valuable!
Stay tuned for more details and as always, thanks for being a part of Jango Airplay!