May 27, 2011

5 Tips to Get More Attention on Jango

We've recently done a few feature reminders and a couple blog posts on topics such as what works best for emails and 'outside the box' promotions strategies. Today we thought it would be good to break down in 5 simple tips how to get more attention, in the form of eyes and ears, on with your Airplay here we go.

1. Master your songs first - We can not stress enough the importance of mastering when it comes to radio airplay, especially when you're being played on Jango alongside all the biggest names in your genre. If your song comes on and it's not mastered it might only be at half to two thirds of the volume of the artist that played before. This will get you some attention, but not in the way you want, so make sure everything is mastered and sounds it's best.

2. Play your best song or songs the most - Just like on terrestrial radio listeners want to hear the hits, so find out what your hits are and play those songs the most. People will want to discover your other music then. You can easily run a test by keeping your targeting the same but only playing one song at a time. Then after a few days add up the likes and fans that each song got and pick the best ones.

3. Have an engaging profile pic or cover art - The first thing people see when they hear your song on Jango is the picture that's in the player so make sure it's something exciting. Figure out what your most valuable visual asset is and use that to your advantage.

4. Play with your custom message in the artist overlay - Change this message often. You can think of it like a Facebook status update. Say something funny, announce a show, share some music; The idea is to get people to click it so think about what would make you click?

5. Record an audio intro and add it to the beginning of your song - This is a really fun one because on internet radio it never happens and will definitely perk up some ears. Record a short message from you or your band, 5 to 8 seconds at most, that says something as simple as 'hey, this is our band and you're listening to us on'. Have fun with it.