February 26, 2013

Airplay Band Of The Month - Skellytone

Skellytone creates a melodic style of hip-hop focusing on lyricism, vocal performance and content. "Complex and brooding, Skellytone is one man's vision of the inside of his brain." Take a look at our very talented and original Band of The Month!

Describe your sound in one sentence
Thinking man's hip-hop for lost souls and the depressed.

What inspires you to make music?

Acoustically I am inspired by everything I hear -- in fact, I believe you can't help but be.  Through the broad spectrum of sounds you hear during the day, from the pleasant to the downright terrible, everything clashes around inside your head until you let it back out in a cascade of release.  In a more concrete sense, I love the idea of classical sounds meeting modern day electronic.  In a more lyrical sense, I create music simply to release all the emotions caught up inside me.  Mostly these are depression, malaise and inner contemplation. If I didn't write music, I wouldn't make it through many days...

Name three people who have influenced your music, and tell us why- Living or dead.
Aesop Rock for his stream-of-consciousness style lyrics, Kno for his sound and feel and Vinnie Paz for knowing how to drive a track.  Really though, I wrote and played metal for many years before I ever got into hip-hop so while I may be influenced by current hip-hop artists, I have a solid background in songwriting and singing that I think adds a lot of depth to my current musical undertakings.

How do you connect with fans and get them involved in your music?

Of the many ways to interface with fans, I would say that Facebook is the center pin.  Facebook is ubiquitous, it is easily accessible for almost anyone, and from there I can direct people to my website or anywhere else of consequence.  We are squarely in a new age of music.  No longer do you have to run all around town and play shows in order to reach people and have an impact.  Given the multifaceted interconnected internet world we live in, it is completely possible to live entirely on the "digital stage", where you can perform, advertise and get closer than ever to the people who enjoy your art.

What do you like the most about Radio Airplay?

Radio Airplay is a unique outlet which allows me to reach people who may be, because of their other interests, more likely to enjoy what I have to offer.  The targeting is definitely the best feature.  To be able to cherry pick plays to music lovers who share similar acoustic interests is invaluable.  

Do you have any recent or upcoming projects you'd like to share with us? Tell us about it.

I am currently in the middle of writing and recording my second full length album entitled, "Taciturn Verses".  Much like my first self-titled album there is a lot of personal release and emotion in these songs.  Musically I feel like I am expanding into more electronic territory, while still keeping an underground, yet high production value sound.  I am planning a few videos to go along with this album, so stay tuned.  The album will be released late this spring. 

Jango:  www.jango.com/music/Skellytone
Website: www.skellyto.net
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SkellytoneAlone
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/skellytone
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/self-titled/id497566832?uo=4
Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00730D6QU